4 thoughts on “Madness

  1. tobateksinghdisplaced says:

    Who sid that?

    Sounds like what Saadat Hassan Manto had in mind when he wrote “Toba Tek Singh”, a short story about Partition where the plot is about the re-distribution of the “crazies”, the rejects, the eccentrics housed in the Lahore Mad-house (to translate the colloquial term, “paagal khaana”) to the newly-created states of India and Pakistan. He’s talking about the eccentricities of the inmates, but somehow you start to suspect that Partition itself, esp. as it actually unfolded, was crazy, senseless, even diabolic.

    Thanks for passing by my blog. And keeping the conversation about injustice in the “belly of the beast” alive.

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    • A Beat poet named Allen Ginsberg, he was part of a revolutionary yet controversial group of poets in the 1950s. Wow, that sounds thought provoking, I will defiantly check that out. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment 🙂

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